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Independent distributor jobs from home

Are you searching for independent consultant jobs from home?

Why start independent distributor jobs from home?

More people than every are searching for online part time jobs from home and more so they are looking for things to sell to make money fast

It is all well and good starting a home based career but the biggest issue for all of us, including myself, is "what can I sell to make money now?" Of course, it is right and proper to consider the long-term aspect of any business venture, but surely we want to make money now and not in some abstract future, which to be honest, may or may not arrive. We are living and breathing today, so we want to earn money today while working for the future.

Most home based business do cater for this situation, because it is fully understandable that nobody wants to wait maybe six months until they can earn some money. So, as a taster to whats to come, becoming a distributor will give you the opportunity to make money from day one via retail sales.

What are distributor jobs from home?

Distributor jobs from home or direct sales simply means that the distributor distributes products at retail while purchasing them at wholesale. Sharing the products can be done by advertising, marketing and selling them to the public using the internet, blogging, social media and so on.

Experts as well as myself believe that it is best to find the market first (the demand) and then find the product that the customer is looking for and sell it to them (the supply). Unfortunately a lot of people get attached to having something they like or think will sell and then have a problem finding anyone to buy it. I believe that this is one of the issues in relation to making a success and earning money from this industry. Jumping from one shiny thing to another is not helpful and ultimately not very motivating to really build a career from it.

I don't want to say it is the opposite to ‘supply and demand’ because the concept is strictly the same, even if we are looking for what customers want before we commit to the product. For example, if you are a aromatherapist the logical choice is high quality essential oils, so you can integrate them into your existing business while using the products yourself in your business. Everyday, your customers are coming to you and experiencing the products. This is a simple example, however it is easier to convince someone that they need something if they experiences it and want it in the first place.

When it all comes down to it, nothing trumps execution - Gary Vaynerchuk

Reasons to search for independent consultant jobs from home

The list below is just some of my personal reasons why distributor jobs from home ticks all the boxes for me and allow me to live the life I want:

  1. Personal freedom
    When I originally wrote this list I simply believed that having no boss, no dress code, no set work schedule, and no office politics to maneuver was as much freedom as anyone needed. However, over time and once i started to earn some real money, I realized that there was some other freedoms that I loved even more and that is, last minute flights to somewhere nice and the possibility to change plans at a moments notice. This new found freedom can be even more exploited if you decide to take your business online.  This means all you need is personal drive, discipline, time-management skills and a laptop and you are in business globally.
  2. You get to keep the money you make
    Watching the taxman take all that you earn is a powerful motivator to working part time at home and as time goes on full time.  You will realize quite fast that weather you are doing full or part time working from home the harder you work, the more money you can make. Your earning potential is directly proportional to your performance, so you don’t have to wait for a raise or a promotion.
  3. Increased opportunity
    Many years ago during a global recession I sat at home stressing about our unsure future with more than enough corporations and industries in a slump. Friends told me it was not the right time to start anything new, but I felt I had to choose between sitting at home watching soaps in the afternoon or taken action and doing something beyond myself. Being unemployed is soul destroying, while being a entrepreneur and working from home means you are always employed  and you can create your own income producing opportunities.
  4. The low risk of distributor jobs from home
    This is a simply concept for the 21st century. If you decide to start a traditional business the failure rate is high, very high, but also is the financial risks involved in getting started including renting and office, travelling to and from work, stock and even paying staff. On the other hand, home businesses still have a high failure rate, but very low risk. The small amount of money you will spend will come down to some paper and pens unless you do not have a laptop and spare table and chair you can us in your home.  Whatever you need to get, it still will be less than trying to start a traditional business.
  5. Tax advantages
    Depending what country you live in the tax rules maybe slightly different, however most of the western countries give great tax advantages to people running a business from home. There are a number of tax advantages to having your home and office under one roof. You can deduct a part of your home’s operating and depreciation expenses on your home as business expenses. In addition, anything business related such as business meetings in a cafe or travelling cost for you to travel to meet a business prospect or customer. For more details about taxes and running a home business consult your local business center, accountant or bookkeeper for local tax regulations.
  6. More time for friends and family
    I mentioned the family and friends element to working from home during a webinar and many laughed and told me it was a disadvantage and maybe for some it is. However, I believe that most of us enjoy our time with our family and friends, this is  especially important for parents of school-age children. I was lucky enough to start my journey into working from home when my daughter started school. This meant that I was home when she arrived home and was able to send her to school in the morning.

    I think the main benefit also touches on time and personal freedom, because it is a little less stressful to juggle the demands of work and family life when you know you can stay home to care for a sick child and generally set your own schedule.
  7. A creative outlet
    For the ladies or future mothers considering the option of starting online part time jobs from home once they have recovered from child birth. Working from home can be an opportunity for you to give birth to your passions and hobbies and create a money-generating outlet for your unique and creative talents

    However, finding distributor jobs from home is not always easy, but one suggestion is to start a ready made turnkey direct sales business
Distributorship business opportunity

Distributorship business opportunity

Distributor jobs from home

Distributor jobs from home

I started in this industry when I had nowhere else to go, so my motivation was through fear rather than passion, so with my skills and knowledge, you do not!

Here are Five reasons you should start independent consultant jobs from home with this ready to go direct sales company

  1. They are a well-respected company that began in 2008 with the goal of sharing their life-enhancing products to the world
  2. Their products are seen as the safest, purest, and most beneficial products available today
  3. Their business opportunity is robust and growing and give the distributor 25% for retails sales
  4. They offer full support for all their distributors
  5. They are a legitimate home based business and if you work hard it is possible to make a good living
Online part time jobs from home

My personal review

Since I have been with them I have struggled to find bad to say about them, not to say that everything is perfect because nothing is, but as I told my friend, “Everything works”. Everything is upfront and legitimate, the products are loved by the customers and distributors alike. However, if there is any problems, their support system does its utmost to resolve the issue in a friendly and professional manner. In the early days I called almost daily asking the silliest questions and they were always polite and informative.

In addition, the support you should get from your personal enroller is vital for the new distributors’ success. I personally reach out to new members within 3 days offering help and support. Your enrollers main role is to take you through the business and membership, running classes and even online marketing methods for those who are interested.

Are distributor jobs from home a scam?

Simple NO! I am sure there are many that are, but we are a legitimate home based business and if you work hard it is possible to make a good living from selling our and building a business.

Independent consultant jobs from home

My final words about starting a business from home

What are the benefits of getting started in independent consultant jobs from home?

I guess it depends on what someone considers as benefits, but for 35$ / 20€ / £20 a new distributor gets their own business with no monthly fee and the real possibility of changing their life forever. I believe starting any business for such a small amount is very affordable considering what someone would pay to start a traditional business.

In addition, you will gets a free webshop, which can be personalized by changing the URL address, the image and the text to tailor it to your needs,  a back office to administrate and monitor their business and 25% for all retails sales, which means you can start earning from day one.

Online training for distributor jobs from home

We do not expect that someone new to this industry understands everything, so we also offer free online training and ongoing support by an experienced distributors, who will take them throw the business step by step. In addition, we are offering an weekly business and product newsletter, social media support group, weekly podcast and webinar for those who are serious about being successful in this business.

My final words about starting a business from home

I started in this industry when I had nowhere else to go, so my motivation was through fear rather than passion, fortunately I came out the other side unscathed, if not emotional tired. However, if you are sitting at home with your cat thinking I really want more from life that watching the daily soap and getting existed about who won last weeks X-factor, this is the opportunity for you to change everything and to become the home based entrepreneur you know you are.

Having online part time jobs from home is more than a career, it is a lifestyle, a creative expression and a way of life that will educate, empower and emotionally develop making you a far better person than you ever were before.


If you have any question about distributor jobs from home, add your name, email address and a short message to the form below and we will get back to you asap…..


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